Hot toddy

Publié le par Newcastleforever


Welcome to this new edition of "Loving Pudding". Your annual show TV about typical Great Britain recipe!


Today, you will learn how to prepare that so lovely and warmy hot cocktail: the Hot Toddy!


First, a little bit of history in order to appreciate the delicate flavour and fragrance of this Scottish drink.

A long time ago, there was a farmer. And this farmer was called Toddy. And he  grown in his field some Barley. But it was a problem! Indeed, his neighbour was nammed: Barley. So, when he wanted to speak about his problem with the Barley's germination, everybody tought Barley was sick and had a lot of spots on his face. Toddy couldn't realise there was a misunderstanding 'cause, in fact, on the Barley's seeds there were some spots too! And Barley didn't understand why everyone told he was sick and asked his father Barley- in fact Barley was Barley Junior and his father Barley inheritated his name from his grandgrangrand father Barley who discovered the Barley, and that's the reason why Barley is called Barley and also Barley (the son) was called Barley- if he needed Father Barley to help him with a prayer. Father Barley leaved near Barley's Place in Barley Hill but, pay attention, this is not the hill were Barley grown up. So Barley, Barley's father, asked Father Barley to save Barley from this rumor. But Barley was the twin brother of Toddy, so, Father Barley tought he had to save the seeds. And the problem was resolved! And that's why nowadays, this Scottish cocktail is called 'Hot toddy'.



In a mug: tea, whisky, honey, lemon, nutmeg, cinnamon and hot water.


Enjoy your drink and see you next year!



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